Private GP

Regent Street Clinic™ has been providing private GP services since 1998 and has clinics across the UK, with branches in Nottingham, Derby, Sheffield and Watford.

Sexual Health Testing

We offer private sexual health testing at our Watford branch in a non-judgmental, friendly, discreet, and confidential setting.

APRP Anti-ageing Treatment

APRP is a fantastic method of anti-ageing treatment now being offered at our clinics, allowing rejuvenation and repair of the skin, using the patient’s own (autologous) cells, with long lasting effects.

Regent Street Fitness

Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore.

COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines – To Attend Our Clinics

Clearly the safety of our staff and service users alike is paramount, therefore we are a COVID-19 secure clinic and we will be observing the following guidelines to provide a safer working environment for all.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Overview - Anti-Ageing Facial Aesthetics

Dermal fillers are a multi-functioning treatment and can be used reduce deep lines and wrinkles, fill hollows and smooth the contours as well as adding or restoring volume to areas of the face such as lips or cheeks.

At around the age of 25, the body stops producing collagen and elastin, the two proteins that work together to keep tissue firm and skin elastic, and the existing collagen in the body begins to break down. Without these two proteins, the body begins to display the typical signs of aging (things like sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, deep lines, and wrinkles) as the body no longer has a means of keeping tissue strong and skin supple.

Anti-aging facial fillers are a non-surgical solution to achieve younger looking skin and smooth tired lines and wrinkles, providing natural-looking rejuvenated outcomes.

The majority of brands are made from hyaluronic acid. We use Juvéderm which gives an excellent natural rejuvenating result.

1.     Immediate results - see the benefit immediately.

2.     Single treatment - all done within half an hour.

3.     Minimal downtime - continue with your day as normal.

4.     Minimal swelling or bruising usually - can be covered with make-up.

Lasts 6-18 months depending on the product used and site of treatment.

Monday 24 September 2018

The Hayfever Injection - Help for Severe Sufferers

TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE 40mg/1ml - a corticosteroid injection
Severe hayfever symptoms can ruin peoples' summers and have a detrimental effect on quality of life and ability to work optimally.

Certain parts of the UK are particularly affected by pollens and allergens likely to give severe symptoms, with the most likely culprits being a mixture of flower and tree pollen such as silver birch and rapeseed.

If you have severe symptoms that fail to respond to other treatments, such as oral antihistamine medications like Clarityn, Zirtek, Fexofenadine, topical eye drops and so on, it is possible to request an appointment to discuss the hayfever injection at our clinics in  Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Sheffield, Leeds, and Watford.

The hayfever injection is a corticosteroid injection which has anti-inflammatory properties. It suppresses the immune system and stops the natural pollen response from going 'haywire'. This is the same medication given by doctors regularly for tennis elbow, various ligament and muscular strains, osteoarthritis and other joint conditions.

As with all injected medications, and in line with good medical practice, the doctor will undertake a careful risk assessment to make sure that you are a good candidate for treatment, and will explain the potential side effects and likely benefits in detail.

In our twenty-year experience of administering the hayfever injection, we have seen virtually nothing in the way of even mild 'side effects' with two people reporting a dimpling of the skin at the site of the injection (the buttock).
This dimpling is uncommon, however, patients are always advised that it may occur and like all administered medications, the risks of any treatment must be balanced against the potential benefit of the treatment given.

The overwhelming feedback from patients in terms of response, control of symptoms and improvement in the quality of life is very positive.

It is given in the top of the buttock and starts working almost immediately and typically 'kicks in' anywhere from one to forty-eight hours after administration.

This medication administered when hayfever symptoms first appear can give symptom remission that lasts for the duration of the entire pollen or allergen season (usually three months).

The dose required to control severe symptoms is partly related to body weight, and heavier subjects will require a larger dose to ease their symptoms. We have found that the therapeutic dose for most effective relief is 1mg per kg of body weight; therefore our standard doses administered are 40mg-80mg per patient per season.

The full range of treatments options available for hay fever will be discussed by doctors, who will decide whether the potential benefits of the treatment for severe hayfever outweigh any risks.

Every year our clinics see a cohort of 'desperate' people who have tried the oral and topical medications without much symptomatic improvement - including those who work outdoors, those who have severe allergic reactions to pollen, business people whose summers and meetings are ruined by severe symptoms, drivers who feel unsafe to be on the road and, interestingly, a number of pharmacists, doctors and NHS GPs.

No intervention currently available to severe hayfever sufferers in the UK offers greater convenience, symptom relief, and patient satisfaction than this single intramuscular injection which can last up to three months. We have hundreds of messages each hayfever season from grateful patients who feel that they have regained their quality of life.

The hayfever injection costs just £55 per 40mg dose, including a free medical consultation at Regent Street Clinic™.

All patients attending our clinics for this injection are advised to read the manufacturer's patient information leaflet here prior to attending, so that they are able to make an informed decision to have treatment, having considered all the risks, as with all medication.

Thursday 20 September 2018

10 reasons why you should discuss your concerns with us at Regent Street Clinic

Private sexual health Clinic Watford

Private sexual health Clinic Watford

Discreet sexual health testing for peace of mind in a friendly, non-judgmental and confidential setting.

1. We can see you TODAY

2. We have years and years of experience with STIs

3. Our doctors and nurses are specially trained

4. Our service is non-judgmental and confidential

5. We are here to help six days per week

6. We have multiple clinics across the UK

7. Our testing service is quick, discrete and affordable

8. Testing is painless with NO PAINFUL SWABS

9. You don't have to give your real details

10. We promise to be as helpful as possible

Tuesday 11 September 2018

What Types of Wrinkles can be treated?

There are three main types of wrinkles that can be treated with the toxin.

Frown Lines:

Frown lines (Glabella lines) are most commonly seen in patients with excessive sun exposure and those who have overactivity of these muscles often associated with frowning. Frown wrinkles are vertical lines and can signal emotions such as anger, anxiety or fear. People with these types of wrinkles may complain that their family, friends or work colleagues ask why they frown a lot. Frown wrinkles are vertical lines and can be successfully treated with this toxin.

Forehead Wrinkles:

Forehead wrinkles appear in horizontal lines in the area between the eyebrows and the hairline. These wrinkles are formed during facial expression to convey emotions such as surprise or empathy.

Eye Wrinkles/Laughter Lines (Crow’s Feet):

Crow’s Feet wrinkles (Periorbital wrinkles) are in the outer corner of the eyes and appear more prominent when laughing or smiling. Crow’s Feet Wrinkles can result from excessive sun exposure combined with the skin becoming less elastic with age.

For further information about the wrinkle treatment, please Click here