Private GP

Regent Street Clinic™ has been providing private GP services since 1998 and has clinics across the UK, with branches in Nottingham, Derby, Sheffield and Watford.

Sexual Health Testing

We offer private sexual health testing at our Watford branch in a non-judgmental, friendly, discreet, and confidential setting.

APRP Anti-ageing Treatment

APRP is a fantastic method of anti-ageing treatment now being offered at our clinics, allowing rejuvenation and repair of the skin, using the patient’s own (autologous) cells, with long lasting effects.

Regent Street Fitness

Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore.

COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines – To Attend Our Clinics

Clearly the safety of our staff and service users alike is paramount, therefore we are a COVID-19 secure clinic and we will be observing the following guidelines to provide a safer working environment for all.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

9 Benefits of Dermaplaning(Infographic)

9 Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation procedure in which the dead skin and vellus hair is removed. The treatment is carried out by using a small, sterile blade while holding the skin taut, swiping the blade in gentle upward motions.

Monday 24 June 2019

Why do lips thin with age?

lip fillers Watford

Over time, the lips’ volume and natural connective tissue depletes, leaving a thinner, flatter appearance.

Wrinkles and fine lines compromise their smooth look, and the vermillion borders and Cupid’s bow become less defined. Around the mouth, the area between your upper lip and nose can become flattened, and the corners of the mouth may turn downward, creating a tired, aged appearance.

Our products provide full, soft, natural looking lips and can be used to smooth fine lines and enhance the mouth area as well as the lips. It is gentle, with an added anaesthetic for the most comfortable treatment experience possible.

Treatment helps fight the signs of aging, by addressing the lips’ texture and smoothness and filling the lines and wrinkles caused by smoking and pursing your lips over time, and by adding volume for a fresh, natural, and reinvigorated look.

Monday 17 June 2019

Do You Have Any Hay Fever Symptoms?

Hay fever is caused when exposed to pollen, dust mites and allergens. Hay fever injection is a common treatment method.

Hay fever, also referred to as allergic rhinitis, has affected at least 39% of the adult population and 40% of children in the UK. Of these patients, nearly 33% experience a significant impact on their lives and daily routines. More than 50% of patients also find it difficult to sleep. These numbers are already much higher than other countries, and will nearly double 10 years from now due to an increase in pollution, temperature and urbanisation.

Hay fever is an allergy of the nose caused when eyes or the nose come into contact with pollens, dust mites, animal hair, moulds and other environmental allergens. The disease is generally noted when grass pollens are found at the greatest level in the environment. In such a case, hay fever is termed seasonal. If symptoms are observed throughout the year, then the condition is called perennial allergic rhinitis, caused by the body’s reaction to home allergens like animal hair and dust mites.


The most common hay fever symptoms are listed below:
  • Runny nose
  • Congested nasal pathway
  • Red, itchy eyes referred to as allergic conjunctivitis
  • Itchy nose, mouth and throat
  • Blue skin below the eyes
If the condition is severe, then the patient may often feel tired and face difficulty in sleeping at night.


Hay fever is caused when your immune system treats pollen and other inhaled substances as dangerous. The body then overreacts and produces substances like leukotrienes and histamine which inflame the nasal passages and eyelids. The process triggers other common hay fever symptoms such as sneezing.

The symptoms develop as a means to protect the body by preventing the allergens from entering. However, this causes congested veins, producing dark circles under the eyes. Sometimes, nosebleeds may also occur.


The most effective treatment plans for hay fever are usually based on limiting exposure to the main substances that cause the disease. If the symptoms are minor, then simple over-the-counter medications are usually enough. For worsened conditions, prescription medications and hay fever injection must be administered. Usually a combination works best. Please note that all medications aren’t suitable for children. Read all the instructions carefully and seek professional help.

Considering medications, the most common ones are nasal corticosteroids, which treat itching and inflammation in the nose. Generally, they are effective and are often prescribed before any other medication. Antihistamines, administered as pills, and decongestants in the form of sprays, liquids or tablets are also prescribed. If the allergy is too severe, then oral corticosteroids such as prednisone or hay fever injection are preferred for treatment. Injections have to be received for three to five years. Their administration makes the patients used to symptoms that cause allergy, which decreases their dependency on medicines.

Hay fever injection is especially effective for patients who are allergic to pollen, dust mites or cat dander. Children can also receive injections because asthma development is prevented.

If you observe any hay fever symptoms, it is best to seek professional health. Get in touch with medical doctors and consultants today who may either prescribe medications or suggest hay fever injection depending on the severity of the disease.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Who is at Risk from Chickenpox?

chickenpox vaccine
Chickenpox is a common childhood infection. In most cases, it’s mild and complications are rare. Almost all children develop immunity to chickenpox after infection, so they usually only catch it once. The disease can be more severe in adults.

Certain groups of people, however, are at greater risk of serious complications from chickenpox. These include:

People who have weakened immune systems through an illness such as HIV or through treatment such as chemotherapy.
Pregnant women. Chickenpox can be very serious for an unborn baby when a pregnant woman catches the infection. It can cause a range of serious birth defects, as well as severe disease in the baby when it is born.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

What happens in Erectile Dysfunction?

When you are sexually aroused, messages from your brain travel down nerves to your penis. Chemicals called neurotransmitters are then released from the ends of the nerves in the penis. Stimulation of the penis can also cause local nerve endings to release neurotransmitter chemicals.

The neurotransmitters which are released in the penis cause another chemical to be made, called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This chemical causes the arteries in the penis to widen (dilate). This allows extra blood to flood into the penis. 

The rapid inflow of blood causes the penis to swell into an erection. The swollen inner part of the penis also presses on the veins nearer to the skin surface of the penis. 

These veins normally drain the penis of blood. So, the flow of blood out of the penis is also restricted, which enhances the erection.

Once you stop having sex, the level of cGMP falls, the blood flow to the penis returns to normal, and the penis gradually returns to the non-erect state.

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